Hello to anyone who might read this entry! I'm writing more to hold myself accountable than for entertainment or useful tips. But if you get something out of my writings then great!
So what am I holding myself accountable for? Aside from the usual stuff, I'm trying to get back on that Paleo diet wagon. It has been a challenging year for me and my dietary needs/wants. I'm a lot busier than I was a year ago so gym visits have dwindled to zero and I've been eating anything I see. That being said, I'm at a point where my clothes are getting tight, I'm winded going up the stairs, and my stomach has been treating me like I'm one of the Sharks (Westside Story reference).
What is a busy guy to do? I told my wife last night (+Cat Costa-Palo ) that I am going to get back to the Paleo Diet methodology. Without boring you with many details it basically means no grains, refined sugars, or processed ingredients of any kind. There is obviously a lot more to it than that but if you want the details I'll let you borrow the book. In addition to this lifestyle change (NOT a diet), I am working on my severe addiction to sugar. There's no way of getting around it...I have a real problem when there is chocolate, cookies, cake, Reese's anything in the house. So I am also going to work with +Diane Sanfilippo 's 21 day Sugar Detox program. I've put on almost 30lbs this year, mostly from lack of control. And now it's time for a change!
What I'm going to try to do is post something weekly (maybe more if you're lucky) talking about how things are coming along, some of the hallucinations I'm seeing from the lack of chocolate, and maybe even a recipe or two that turned out especially well. Maybe it will help the time pass by, maybe not.
So today is Day 1 and I'm off to a good start. For breakfast I had an egg with some green olives, a few pecans, and a cup of coffee. Lunch is a small steak with more olives and the rest of the pecans for a snack. Dinner is likely grilled pork chops with vegetables. My biggest concern is going to be after dinner...when I usually have my sugar craving. Stay tuned to see what happens!
*Chomp Chomp
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