Sunday, January 12, 2014

It's like Trainspotting but without all the drugs

My slightly more web-savvy spouse has informed me that I need to be posting more than once a week on here if I want to really hold myself accountable on this change.  Sooooo you should be seeing more from me from now on.  I know I could you be so lucky right?

Today marks day seven that I am on the 21 day sugar detox (21DSD).  It has been every bit as miserable as you might imagine.  I haven't had the shakes or headaches that I've everyone seems to get.  But I've had INTENSE cravings for sugar the past 2-3 days.  I suppose it's because this is only the first week but it still isn't fun.  I'm waiting to start seeing babies crawling across the ceiling. 

I did unfortunately have an accidental cheat day though.  We went to eat at Pio Pio - it's a great little Peruvian restaurant by our house with rotisserie chickens, and plantains, and all the good stuff I can eat once I'm off this stupid detox.  I ordered a dish called Jalea, "Peruvian Seafood Platter, Topped Onion, Tomato & Lime Sauce".  All approved ingredients so far.  Then I make the  rookie mistake of forgetting to ask how the food was prepared.  The dish comes out and all the seafood is breaded.  Ugh!  I couldn't send it back and I couldn't order something else so I ate it.  :-(  Don't judge.

No recipes for you in this post unfortunately.  This week's meals have mostly been a concoction of things from the fridge that I've already cooked or that needed to be cooked immediately.  But I have been toying with some ideas this past week that I'm going to be trying.  I've had quite an eye for French cuisine this past year.  The ingredients can be so simple yet the dish is so rich and filling.  Which is probably why it isn't often emulated on the Paleo scene.  So stay tuned...I should hopefully have something for you later this week!

Oh yea, a bit of pretty cool news.  My oldest daughter Tara said she wanted to try Paleo with me!  Woo Hoo!!  We started talking about what she can and can't eat, some of the reasons why, cheat days, and so on.  I think it caught her off guard because she had that deer in the headlights look.  She's at that age where girls think everything is wrong with them and their bodies and she wants to try this or that to lose weight and blah blah blah.  Maybe I'll have her do a post on here as well to talk about some of the difficulties she faces.  It's pwetty gweat (Homestar Runner voice). 

So that's about it for me tonight.  I'm getting sucked into this show with this couple trying to find another island to buy.  ANOTHER ISLAND.  Jerks.  :-)  Have a great night!

-Chomp Chomp

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